Why Donate to FNLM?
Your contribution is more than a donation—it is giving thousands of Americans valuable, free access to the world’s largest online medical library.
Donate 3 Ways
1. Become a Member
By joining the Friends of the National Library of Medicine (FNLM), your membership dues provide increased funding for a variety of activities and programs that help move the National Library of Medicine (NLM), and society, forward.
2. Sponsor a Table at a Gala
The FNLM Awards Gala is held each Fall to recognize medical scientists, health sciences librarians, experts in nursing informatics and public figures who are demonstrated leaders in increasing awareness and support of important health issues.
3. Support Our Programs
Our Conferences, the FNLM Minority Student Outreach Program, and Symposia gather participants to share perspectives from all sectors to discuss issues and concerns of common interest and disseminate quality health and scientific information.